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Symposium “Expulsion and Extermination”: September 25-26, 2017, Vienna

DÖW symposium about new quantitative and qualitative research regarding exile and the Holocaust

Research regarding the various aspects of the Holocaust is one of the central activities of the Documentation Center of Austrian Resistance (DÖW): On the one hand, in the area of exile research; on the other hand, the research project “Register of Names of Austrian Victims of the Holocaust”, undertaken from 1992 to 2001. Beginning in 2010 the DÖW began the project, “Expulsion—Exile—Emigration. Austrian Exiles As Seen in the Files of the Law Firm of Dr. Hugo Ebner,” using a portion of the pension documents acquired from the law firm of Dr. Hugo Ebner in 2006; as well as the “emigration lists” of the Vienna Israelite Community (IKG).

Despite the numerous studies of partial aspects of the expulsion, persecution, and murder of Austrian Jewish men and women, a comprehensive analysis of how the different victim groups related to each other economically and socially, or in terms of age and sex, for example, was lacking. The project “Expulsion and Extermination. New quantitative and qualitative Research Regarding Exile and Holocaust” investigated questions regarding the network of social relationships; the history of expulsion and extermination; and the subsequent fate of this largest group of Nazi victims, who were also at greatest risk of extermination. The results are a social and structural analysis and a collective biographical synthesis.


Language: German

Symposium: Old City Hall (Altes Rathaus), Wipplingerstraße 6-8, 1010 Wien, Salvatorsaal (entrance in the courtyard)
Evening Session on September 26, 7-9pm: City Hall (Rathaus), Lichtenfelsgasse 2, 1010 Wien Festsaal (entrance: Feststiege I)



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